
Playlist: Tracks to Make Your April Pop (Part 1)

The clocks have changed, the sun is out, it seems that spring is well and truly upon us. And better yet, as we mosey through 2016 into sunny April, it’s not just the daffodils that are coming into bloom. Some of the most exciting new acts on the circuit are bursting into life, budding with fresh new musical blossoms in preparation for festival season, which rumbles away promisingly on the horizon. Here are some of my picks of the best new tracks you should check out this month.


YAK are more of an enigma than a band. Every song they release is unique, the only consistent factor being the vigorous urgency running through the distorted guitars and gritty vocals. Harbour the Feeling may be one of YAK’s more structured masterpieces, but genius-in-the-making Oli Burslem and company still bend the norm through snarling riffs and hypnotically repetitive lyrics. There’s even an accompanying video with a real yak in it. Sort of. Check it out now for scenes of prog-rock lunacy and the odd celebrity cameo.

FFO: The White Stripes, TOY, Fat White Family
Live: Birmingham (11/05), Sheffield (12/05), Glasgow (13/05), Manchester (14/05), Leeds (15/05), Reading (17/05), Bristol (18/05), Leicester (19/05), Southampton (20/05), Oxford (21/05), London (24/05)

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It’s apt that this London quartet previously changed their name from ‘The Moon’ to ‘The Big Moon’, as all of their happy go lucky singles are delightfully enormous. Cupid is about “a boy dressed as an angel downing cartons of pineapple juice to make his spunk taste good”, guitarist Juliette Jackson tells DIY. A bemusing yet innocent anecdote, and one that makes for a fantastic single, which opens serenely before erupting into a crashing brawl of hormones and tropical fruit. These gutsy rockers are on the road as well – definitely worth catching in a town near you.

FFO: Peace, Mystery Jets, SOAK.
Live: Newcastle (01/04), Glasgow (02/04), Belfast (04/04), Dublin (05/04), Leeds (07/04), Leicester (08/04), Cardiff (09/04), Bristol (11/04), Southampton (12/04), London (13/04), Norwich w/ Mystery Jets (29/04)

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Norwich isn’t known for a lot of things, but hopefully soon the ethereal music of Let’s Eat Grandma will change that. The duo, comprising of best friends Rosa and Jenny, are only in their teens but already they’ve signed a record deal with Transgressive and appear on the cover of this month’s Loud and Quiet. In the latter, Stuart Stubbs describes lead single Deep Six Textbook as, “a down-tempo, slightly psychedelic alt. pop number full of wide-open space and pinned-on a drum track played somewhere in the middle distance”. Couldn’t have put it better myself.

FFO: AlunaGeorge, Lorde, Gengahr
Live: London Electrowerkz (01/06)

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If you haven’t heard of Black Honey, you are missing out big time. Hailing from Brighton, the four-piece are as cool as they come. Izzy B Phillips fronts the outfit, a fireball of sass and sex appeal in flares and a beret, with boys in leather manning guitar, bass and drums. The highly anticipated All My Pride ups the ante in this group’s narrative, detailing a failed relationship lyrically but telling a much bigger story in the delicious Britpop-y instrumentals, which will worm into your brain and have you begging for more. Fortunately, that’s just what we’re in for, as the four-track Headspin EP follows at the end of the month.

FFO: Superfood, Circa Waves, Blur
Live: London Flying Vinyl Festival (09/04)

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After wowing the crowds at SXSW with his stunning acoustic tunes last month, London singer/songwriter Isaac Gracie has released Songs From My Bedroom, featuring five such recordings. Leading the release, Terrified is an intimate and raw number, which showcases Gracie’s coarse vocals and terrific songwriting skill. The rest of the EP follows suit, with an echoic fascination wrapping around haunting lyrics. He has a short tour plotted for next month, an absolute must-see if you feel like catching a sure-fire star in the making.

FFO: James Bay, Lana Del Rey, Jeff Buckley

Live: Live at Leeds (30/04), Birmingham (09/05), London (10/05), Bristol (11/05), Liverpool (13/05), Newcastle (14/05), Glasgow (16/05), Brighton (19/05)

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Stay tuned for Part 2!

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