
Album Review: Let's Eat Grandma - 'I, Gemini'

Words originally for Outline Magazine
Label: Transgressive
Release Date: June 17th, 2016

Two teenagers from humble Norwich releasing a contender for album of the year seems unlikely. And yet, that’s what Let’s Eat Grandma have done with their extraordinary debut ‘I, Gemini’. From the haunting introduction in Deep Six Textbook we’re led through an exotic adventure to a childlike neverland with saxophones, keyboards and all manner of other obscure noises sound-tracking the journey. Eat Shiitake Mushrooms twinkles and pounds like a swirling mist, Sax in the City hops between ethereal vocals and gilded brass wobbles, and Chocolate Sludge Cake whistles like a mountaintop wind before dissolving into a space-age nursery rhyme. Welcome to the Treehouse in its two parts is the record’s crowning gem. Lush percussion fits elegantly alongside piercing vocals and keyboards that whine celestially, before an abrupt and thunderous close. Structure isn’t a concern of Rosa and Jenny’s. They flit from verse to verse without a care in the world for build-ups and choruses. It’s innocent, innovative and above all else completely different from anything you’ve ever heard. Vocally, Soak and Lorde are close comparisons to the delicate whispers of ‘I, Gemini’ but the truth is, Let’s Eat Grandma have crafted a true masterpiece which will exist in its own right for a long time to come.


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