
Album Review: Gwenno - 'Y Dydd Olaf'

Words originally for Outline Magazine.

Label: Heavenly Recordings
Release Date: July 24th, 2015

Spoiler alert, it’s in Welsh, but don’t let that put you off – the latest project from Cardiff based anti-pop star Gwenno Saunders is a delightful and bewitching effort which defies conventions and makes for an undeniably interesting listen.

Inspired by 1970s Welsh sci-fi novels, Y Dydd Olaf (The Last Day) is essentially a massive fuck off to mainstream society, tackling big topics like living under patriarchal rule, government funded media propaganda, technology and the importance of preserving minority languages – Gwenno herself is fluent in Welsh and Cornish. Unfortunately, her messages are difficult to pick up (save for the odd song title hint – see track 2, Patriarchaeth) but within the very bones of the album you can feel a fierce sense of rebellion; the tracks are wistful and without structure, the artwork is abstract and dystopian – there are no boundaries or industry influences here.

Musically Y Dydd Olaf could be a pop record based on its happy-go-lucky, prancing vocals on tracks like Stwff, if murky, futuristic synthesizers didn’t saturate it to the core, blending the tracks together. The result? A 44-minute feminist joyride that spans retro, contemporary and futuristic sounds all at once whilst simultaneously sticking a middle finger up at anyone who may object.
